Thursday, November 3, 2005


I generally enjoyed my military service. Well, except for the 2 years I spent in SAC (Strategic Air Command). I got along well with my fellow enlisteds and officers too, and I'm thankful for the experience and some of the good friendships I'd forged. There was one group I always fell afoul of though, and that was the Chaplain Corps. It started when the Air Force Commander of Chaplains (a 2-star) broke my balls about not attending a 'Christain fellowship' meeting. I told him this:

"General, God and I made a deal a long time ago. I'd stay out of His way and He'd stay out of mine. It's worked out well for both of us so far."

From that day forward, while I was on that base, the chaplains would bug me about my athieism (I'm not an athieist) and how my soul is in danger. I told a few holy men to get away from me before I ripped their arm off and beat them to death with it. These memories were brought back when I read this from Jo Fish:

...I am a servicemember and I'm so sick of the constant proletyzing and the power chaplains have. Last year I went with a buddy to see a chaplain, she had been raped and needed counseling very badly. All he could do was tell her to find comfort in Jesus and not to have anger in her heart...

This does nothing. Find comfort in Jesus, my ass. This woman needs serious help, and her rapist needs to be brought to justice, and telling her to pray will only make the situation worse. Fucking assholes. Note to Jesus freaks and chaplains: Jesus helps those who help themselves.

"Sky Pilot, how high can you fly?"

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