Saturday, November 5, 2005

Hoo boy

See, I know I'm gonna hate myself for this post, because I'm defending Scooter Libby here. Nah, I'm not defending his part in the Plame deal. He should be hung by the naughty bits for that. I'm defending his creativity and his right of free speech.

Being a writer of questionable repute, I've conjured scenes that have given pause to people who've known me well. I'd hate to be judged by some of the subject matter I've explored. [Examples] Regardless of the quality of the writing, his or mine, I'm not one for S & M nor am I cruel to animals or my fellow human beings, nor do I want to be. While Scooter seems to have a penchant for writing about bestiality and bodily fluids, I'm not willing to take the leap his definition of 'watersports' is any different from mine, nor that he fucks furry woodland creatures.

With all due respect to my fellow bloggers, I think we have serious issues to bash this little worm and his masters with aside from his art. I sure as hell wouldn't want people to speculate on my psychiatric conditions based on the crap (fiction, mind you) I've published. Scooter should pay for his crimes and the last time I checked, writing a bad novel isn't a felony (thankfully). Treason is.

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