Saturday, November 5, 2005


The Grey Lady gives us this report of a United Nations panel's findings that good old Halliburton overcharged Iraq for reconstruction and the US of A should reimburse our colony at Baghdad over $200,000,000 for it.

While it is widely understood that the sweetheart contracts secured by Dick Cheney's former company (largely because as SecDef and later as Veep he helped rig the system so that only ventures staffed by loyal Republicans-loyal to him, anyway- such as Bechtel, Dynegy, Blackwater and Halliburton were even eligible to be awarded such contracts without that irritating competitive bidding) were heinously overvalued, this is evidently the first time that a credible body has come forward with evidence that the work performed was not merely grossly overpriced, but of poor quality to boot. [my bold]

[. . .]

Read the rest of the talking dog's post at the Street.


And while Dick and his Butt Boys are stuffing their pockets, Congress is making budget cuts to pay for it.

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