Wednesday, November 2, 2005


Good article at about the Iran/Iraq/Italy/Neocon/White House connecton that got us into Bush's War.

In the run-up to war with Iraq, Iranian intelligence was playing the U.S. like a violin - with the knowledge and full cooperation of certain major (and minor) - players in the U.S. government.
The story of the Niger uranium forgeries - and the cabal that created and circulated them - is about to be exposed, and this is well-suited to illustrate the tragic lesson of how and why we got to where we are today. For a long time, the Republican-dominated Senate Intelligence Committee has delayed its promised "phase two" of the investigation into the generation of bogus pre-war intelligence. The indictment of Scooter Libby, and the La Repubblica revelations, have busted the logjam. We may be about to learn how a crude forgery was inserted - by high U.S. government officials - into the U.S. intelligence stream, with the active collusion of the Iranians, the INC, and the intelligence agencies of three major U.S. allies.
While Congress slept, the neocons lied us into war. But the nation and - finally! - our representatives are beginning to wake up.

The Libby indictment is just the beginning. Neocon-gate is big, and getting bigger by the day. Before this is over, we'll have half the staff of the American Enterprise Institute in the dock - and the other half testifying against them.

Please go read. Many, many links.

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