Friday, November 4, 2005

PhRMA Lies and Misleads - Shocker!

A follow-up to yesterday's post on California's upcoming special election. From Sirotablog:

A photo of Congresswoman Barbara Lee, a great fighter for progressives, was used without her permission in a PhRMA mailer to deceive California votes on a upcoming ballot measure. This is yet another example of how the people at PhRMA will lie, steal and cheat to ensure nothing damages their bottom line.

WASHINGTON - A mailer targeting black California voters pictures a dozen prominent black lawmakers next to an endorsement of a prescription drug initiative on the Nov. 8 ballot that some of them strongly oppose.

Several of the lawmakers on Thursday denounced the Proposition 78 mailer, which was sent by a group funded by the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America, or PhRMA, the powerful lobbying organization for the nation's drug companies.

An excellent example and reminder of why we absolutely must go next Tuesday and vote these bastards down.


The drug manufacturers have spent about $76 million so far in favor of Proposition 78 and against Proposition 79, a competing measure pushed by organized labor and some consumer groups.
Proposition 78 would establish a program in which drug companies could voluntarily offer discounted medicines to about 6 million low-income Californians.

Proposition 79, which promises to reach as many as 10 million, would penalize companies that don't offer discounts and allow lawsuits against firms deemed to be charging too much.

The Yes on 79 campaign reports having spent $503,000.
"If you're down with the community," Frommer said, "you wouldn't be endorsing 78."

Yo, Homes. Go read. Good article on who's been paid off to endorse Prop 78. It'll surprise you.

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