Friday, November 4, 2005

Source of Forged Niger-Iraq Uranium Documents Identified


Rome - Italy's spymaster identified an Italian occasional spy named Rocco Martino on Thursday as the disseminator of forged documents that described efforts by Iraq to buy uranium ore from Niger for a nuclear weapons program, three lawmakers said Thursday.

Oh Boy! That's good. Now, who put him up to it?

The revelation came on a day when the Federal Bureau of Investigation confirmed that it had shut down its two-year investigation into the origin of the forged documents.

The only reason I can see for the FBI to shut down an investigation before they had all the facts is that they were getting too close to the truth and were told to. This means the origin of the scam is pretty high up. Like in the White House.

La Repubblica said General Pollari had held a meeting on Sept. 9, 2002, with Stephen J. Hadley, then the deputy national security adviser. Mr. Hadley, now the national security adviser, has said that he met General Pollari on that date, but that they did not discuss the Niger-Iraq issue.

"Nobody participating in that meeting or asked about that meeting has any recollection of a discussion of natural uranium, or any recollection of any documents being passed," Mr. Hadley told a briefing on Wednesday in Washington. "And that's also my recollection."

That "no recollection" bullshit is weasel words. If they didn't talk about it, why not just say they didn't talk about it?

This is big. This was the main selling point for Bush's Criminal War. They lied then and they're lying now.

If I was facing a hangman's rope, I'd probably lie too. I'd probably get caught and hang anyway. So will they.

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