Tuesday, November 1, 2005

Shit, Shit, Shit

It's November already and that means our friends at the Adgita Diaries will be closing up shop. From M and T themselves:

On this our first anniversary in blog space, we herein post our last words to plan for an active transfer of priorities. Our experience here has been a rich and bountiful blessing. Thank you for reading and taking the time so often this past year to make your presence known to us with thoughtful commentary. You have been integral in raising our consciousness these past twelve months: A particular thanks to Jane at Firedoglake; Diane, Phillipe and the Collective at Pourquoi Pas; Fallenmonk; Robin and Robert at Dharma Bums; Fixer and Gordon at Alternate Brain; OWL at It's Morning Somewhere; AOB at Angry Old Broad; Wanda at Podunt Post; Culture Ghost; author Phil Rockstroh at Dissident Voice; Simbaud at King of Zembla and Thom at Societas. Thank you for the honor of an occasional cross post and mention of us on your sites. You have been an inspiration, and we have deeply appreciated your support and encouragement. We encourage our readers to support Counterpunch and the excellent collective by Sunil Sharma at Dissident Voice.

Harry Hound wishes to give a hearty goodbye to wonderful fur persons of all persuasions: Airbeagle, Cotton, Cairo, Mango, Shayna, Lili, Hoppy, Moxie, Buddy, Kobe, Katie, Lucy, Louis, and Sadie.

On behalf of the assorted nuts here at the Brain, I wish M and T well in their endeavors. Shayna the Cattle Dog also sends out a bark and a tail wag to Harry, whom she hopes will keep in touch with his furry, four legged pals. We'll miss their insight and their excellent writing. Good on yas, guys.

"Bye, Harry."

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