Tuesday, December 6, 2005

Bite me

All you militant non-smokers can just bite me. I'm all with not smoking in public and I understand about the health risks, but by golly, fuck you all and your attempts to regulate what I do in my own house.

"Dogs age almost seven times faster than us," Billings said, a junior majoring in psychology. "Secondhand smoke can cause problems fast. I take Jack (to the vet) frequently and he appears to be fine," Billings said. "But they don't do any specific tests to see early signs (of secondhand smoke)."

Let me explain something. If my dog breathing my second hand smoke is the worst thing that happens to her in her life, she's one lucky mongrel. My dog gets treated better than most of you treat your kids. If it weren't for us and the life we've given her, she would have gotten the needle as soon as her hip problems were diagnosed. This is just bullshit.

The facts are out there, and anyone who doesn't know cigarettes are dangerous at this point is probably one of the 51% who voted for the Chimp in '04. You know, I'm tired of people and their crusades, whatever they may be, when they try to regulate what I do in the privacy of my own home, whether it's smoking, sex, my religion, whatever. Worry more about your own lives and a little less about how I run mine and how I care for my dog. Fuck you all and your stupid game-playing.

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