Tuesday, December 6, 2005


Will someone please explain to the Secretary of ShoesState that diplomacy does not consist of lecturing people, whose cultures are far older than ours will ever be (or so it seems lately), that they should ignore what they see with their own eyes. Condi's in Europe.

(New York, December 6, 2005) - In remarks at the start of a five-day trip to Europe, the U.S. Secretary of State mischaracterized the U.S. government's "rendition" of terrorist suspects to make it appear lawful, Human Rights Watch said today. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said the U.S. government had not transported detainees to other countries "for the purpose" of interrogation using torture, but she failed to mention that the United States has transported detainees to countries such as Egypt and Syria where it knows torture is commonplace. The Convention Against Torture, to which the United States is a party, outlaws such a practice.

Secretary Rice also failed to address a central concern of European governments: that the CIA has allegedly held detainees in secret locations in Europe.


This is a prime example of Chimp & Co. stupidity. The last place to have secret camps is in Europe but, like the rest of the moronic 51% of our population, they have no respect for the lessons of history.

Jesus H. Christ, have we forgotten about the other camps? It's only been sixty years, and they went by names like Auschwitz, Dachau, and Bergen Belsen. There are still many people in Europe who remember those times. Did Condi think the Euros would actually just sit back and say 'okay' when she says 'trust me'? Five years ago maybe, today they know better.

Those who don't learn from history's mistakes are doomed to repeat them.

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