Tuesday, December 6, 2005

Blogger sucks wet monkey ass

Reprinted in its entirety from Lambert, the Blogger's Curse:

O corporate weasels at blogger:

May a bloggers curse fall on your heads:

May you be vested, and may your stock tank. In your arrogance, may you have bought a ton of stock on margin using those same options as collateral, and may margin calls fall upon you. May that inane spinning clock plague your dreams. May your content be irretrievably corrupted. May your templates reveal source. May you lose posts. May you double post, nay triple, nay quadruple post. May you gaze at the friggin' dashboard and a spinning cursor until your eyes bleed. May you be plagued in your cubes with boils. May your bimmers be lemons. May your returns be "0%" in all your endeavours to the end of your days.

And he has a reasonable conclusion:

Fucking billion dollar corporation can't run a server farm...

I know I probably shouldn't bitch because it's free, but Jesus H. Christ, can't they get shit to work correctly? If I worked the way Blogger does, I'd be out of a job forthwith.

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