Saturday, December 3, 2005


My prayers go out to those kidnapped in Iraq...but (there's always a 'but', ain't there?)...

I have one question. What the fuck are you people doing in a fucking war zone?


Iraq war opponent Mr Kember, 74, of London, was seized in Baghdad.

A British anti-war campaigner is due to arrive in the Iraqi capital later to appeal directly for his release.


Mr Kember has been held since Saturday along with three other peace activists - American Tom Fox, 54, and Canadians James Loney, 41, and Harmeet Singh Sooden, 32.


Now, I'm as much against the war as these peace activists, but being in Iraq ain't gonna bring about the end of the war. 150,000 U.S. troops can't seem to do it, what makes you think you can? As many of we veterans have said over the past 2 1/2 years, this war will be ended politically and the best way to do that is agitate our governments at home.

Checking out the group these unfortunate folks belong to, it seems they are actually committed to doing good in many places, not just proseletyzing.

What would happen if Christians devoted the same discipline and self-sacrifice to nonviolent peacemaking that armies devote to war?

I admire their efforts (and many of our so-called 'christians' could learn from them), but Jesus H. Christ, the situation on the ground there is too unstable. A white (especially those from the U.S. and U.K.) person on the street in Iraq is too tempting a target to those whose mission is to destabilize the situation even more.

Take a little advice from a guy who's dodged his share of bullets. A war zone is not the place (especially one where your countrymen are part of an occupying force) to do your thing. You're only providing fodder to those whose intentions run counter to yours. You're also condemning your people to a horrible death if they are captured. If you want to stop this war in Iraq, get your fellow Christians in this country to see the light. I mean, they are the ones who got us into this thing in the first place. May God protect your people.


And then there's Rush Lintball.

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