Saturday, December 3, 2005

A price must be paid

Dr. Cole:

From Wednesday to Friday, guerrillas in Iraq killed 18 US troops. The most tragic single incident came on Friday, when guerrillas used old Baath rocket parts to make an enormous bomb that killed 10 Marines near Fallujah and wounded 11. CNN points out that Marine convoys tend to spread out to limit such casualties, so the death of 10 GIs in one incident suggests just a horrific explosion. There were said to be 600,000 tons of munitions stored in Iraq, one of the more militarized societies in the world, and over 200,000 tons are probably still unaccounted for.


After the lies, the poor planning, and the outright corruption that are part of every facet of this fiasco, only one thing comes to mind.

We impeached a President who lied about getting a fucking blowjob!

As the bodies of American troops pile up, as more corruption and scandal are revealed, it is becoming very clear the only way Bush will pay a price is if there is a Democratic majority in both houses of Congress at this time next year. And a price must be paid.

The Bush administration cannot be allowed to perpetrate these crimes against this nation and her people, and the world's people, and be allowed to walk away scot-free. This fact has to be made astonishingly clear to the leadership of the Democratic Party as we move into election season.

This is not a matter of patriotism and it has to be made clear to the public that crimes have been committed. Heinous ones. At the very least, someone must be held accountable for the murder of over 2100 U.S. troops whose lives were squandered for profit.

Iraq, the reasons for it and the process used to initiate it, is an illegal action brought about purely for the enrichment of large corporations. It is obvious at this point and only the people making a profit from it (directly or indirectly) are denying it. Our credibility in the eyes of world counts on an unequivocal act of contrition. If we are ever to be recognized as the moral leader of the free world again (and we were at one time) we have to take the high road, and continue to do so until we are once again seen as the beacon of freedom and democracy.

Without our credibility, any diplomatic initiative will be suspect. We are alone on this tiny ball of rock known as Earth that is getting smaller every year. We have to get along with those around us because we are the anchor. We have to be the ones who 'do the right thing', for no one else has the power we do, military, economic, and moral. By letting Bush and the Republicans get away with murder (literally) we will have abdicated our position, earned by the sacrifice of previous generations.

Yes, a price must be paid and apologies must be given. It is up to the Democratic Party to grow the backbone to do it. It's up to us to remind them of their responsibility and help them get their heads around that fact. Bush must pay, Cheney must pay, and their accomplices must pay. They should at least face trial. We have to show the world we know the difference between Right and Wrong. We are all responsible for our actions and this administration, and their hangers-on, must be held accountable for theirs.

A price must be paid.

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