Tuesday, December 6, 2005

In certain hands, even the truth becomes a lie

On the theory that sometimes even a blind pig finds an acorn, here's a paragraph I like from Christopher Hitchens' article on the DoD "We'll pay you to print our bullshit" program. From Slate:

It is, anyway, not so much a matter of fooling people as of insulting them. The prostitute journalist is a familiar and well-understood figure in the Middle East, and Saddam Hussein's regime made lavish use of the buyability of the regional press. Now we, too, have hired that clapped-out old floozy, Miss Rosie Scenario, and sent her whoring through the streets. If there was one single thing that gave a certain grandeur to the change of regime in Baghdad, it was the reopening of the free press (with the Communist Party's paper the first one back on the streets just after the statue fell) and the profusion of satellite dishes, radio stations, and TV programs. There were some crass exceptions - Paul Bremer's decision to close Muqtada Sadr's paper being one of the stupidest and most calamitous decisions - but in general it was something to be proud of. Now any fool is entitled to say that a free Iraqi paper is a mouthpiece, and any killer is licensed to allege that a free Iraqi reporter is a mercenary. A fine day's work. Someone should be fired for it.

Someone? Hmmm. Department of Defense. Lemme see...that would be Rumsfeld.

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