Tuesday, December 6, 2005

It's gonna take more than money to keep ya outta jail this time, Bugs...

The Houston Chronicle story about the creep veep at DeLay's legal fundraiser.

Cheney missed the White House Christmas party, a celebrated Washington event, to attend DeLay's fundraiser, which attracted about 300 people.

Shit, he probably wasn't invited.

At least one protester infiltrated the event. Diane Wilson of the progressive women's group Code Pink said she paid only $50.

"I guess they needed people inside," she said. "You can get in pretty cheap. I didn't want to give too much."

She briefly disrupted Cheney's speech and rolled out a banner that reads: "Corrupt greed kills from Bhopal to Baghdad."

Wilson was promptly escorted out.

Meanwhile, 21 organizations, among them Veterans for Peace, the International Socialist Organization and Progressive Action Alliance, protested outside.

DeLay's camp said the demonstrators were not local, but planned professional protesters from as far away as San Francisco.

Like that would make a difference, even if it were true?

For a photo of Tommy headin' fer the Hot Tub with a coupla babes, go see Born at the Crest of the Empire.


What will DeLay's attorney say to him after Tommy tells him he's just run out of money?

"That's OK, Tom. We'll just change your plea to 'guilty'."

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