Sunday, February 19, 2006

The Gasbag Gap

Expanding on Fixer's post, Eric Alterman has a few words about the Blow-viators in The Nation. Here's the tag:

Indeed, as far as critical commentary goes, with the occasional exception of E.J. Dionne, there's not a single unapologetic liberal on any of these shows, save perhaps an annual appearance as a kind of anthropological curiosity. Tune in to every show every week for a year, and you are unlikely to see Frank Rich, Paul Krugman, Rick Hertzberg, Harold Meyerson or anyone associated with The Nation, The American Prospect, The Washington Monthly, The New York Review of Books, Salon, In These Times, Mother Jones or even the liberal remnant inside The New Republic.

When you think about it, it is a tribute to the American people that they remain as receptive to liberal arguments as they do, given how infrequently they hear them.

It's my own opinion that probably five or ten times as many people listen to the right-wing weekday radio gasbags as watch the big-time Sunday gasbags. It may have something to do with available programming on the AM radio in a pickup truck out in the boondocks. These folks think the programs we think to be right wing are full of Godless Liberal Hollywood Commies.

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