Sunday, February 19, 2006

Po' little Snotty

So, Whoreward Kurtz has Ari Fleischer on to make excuses for Snot 'The Lyin' King' McClellan. Oh, poor little Snot, reporters hate the Vice President and they used him as a punching bag this week. He's just a victim of the press' anger. Sorry, but if you're Goebbels' Mouthpiece, you deserve it. The mesage I got from the show, since I haven't watched it in ages, is the Left thinks the press isn't tough enough, the Right thinks the press is too tough, so we're just gonna keep reporting the way we've been reporting and let the chips fall where they may. One question. Why does CNN feel the need for this show to exist in the first place if the status quo is going to continue, come Hell or high water?

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