Monday, February 20, 2006


Today in history, 26 years ago to be exact, at about this time in the morning, my dad dropped me off in front of the Air Force recruiter's office in Bay Shore, Long Island. On this day I took an oath to protect the Constitution from all enemies, external and internal. The Air Force and I parted ways 8 years later and I thought my job was over.

I was part of the 'real world', a civilian who, hopefully, would never have to pick up a weapon to protect this nation again. Never did I think I would have to fight once more, not as a soldier this time but as a messenger, bringing truthful information to the mis-, dis-, and under-informed. I never thought my own government would try to form a monarchy, never thought Americans, born and raised in this great and beautiful place, would try to undermine the rights and privileges codified by the iconic but fallible Founding Fathers.

They were real men, just as we are (and I use the term 'men' in the humankind way), most, I'm sure, never wanted to become revolutionaries and agitators. But they saw something wrong with the system, the Imperial system, in place at the time. Their King George stole their wealth and independence, just as ours is doing to us, and it's time to stand up again, just as they did then. It is time for ourage on a grand scale.

We have a long history of standing up for the American Principle, the intangible that makes us different from every other nation on Earth. We are truly a 'nation of the world' tracing our roots to a couple hundred different places, speaking a myriad of languages, with basically one thing in common. Our forebears came here in pursuit of the American Dream. As a first-generation American, it was a lesson I learned early in life. The lure of liberty for all and the chance at prosperity was far too sweet for millions over the past 230 years, and many found it.

Our society wasn't perfect, but we fought wars amongst ourselves to make it better for all, more equal for 'everyman', not just the landed aristocracy and we might have to fight another soon. The Founders knew we had to grow, in both land area and outlook, to be accepting of changes the future would bring and gave us the Constitution as a living, growing document. The people in power now are destroying it and it is depending on us for protection.

This November, we will see if the Founders actually did give us a system that is self-correcting. It is the reason we must educate those who are misinformed. It is why we must pressure our representatives to uphold the principles we believe in or vote them out (Lieberman and others). It has to be done this year because I feel our nation cannot stand two and a half more years of Bush and the Repuiblican crime family.

While we can't do much about the administration, the Rubber Stamp Congress must be removed, control wrested from them by those who put the good of the country before the good of the corporations. It is critical we regain control of Congress for gridlock would be far better then the Republican version of 'progress'. I will not live in a banana republic or a corporate nation and those seem to be the only two options at the end of this road they have mapped out for us.

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