Thursday, February 9, 2006

It comes around

You've heard me bitch about my local town supervisor:

As regular readers of the Brain know, I speak my mind. Everybody knows where they stand with me. There's no guessing if I like you or not. If I don't you'll know it.

Anyway, it's with this attitude I pay my property taxes twice a year . . . in person. It's the one time I can get in my local politicians' faces . . . well, two times a year. They have to deal with me too because I give 'em $4000 at a clip. I also went to school with the Town Supervisor's (mayor's) useless piece-of-shit son.


Well, things come around. I was wondering when they'd get him:

The Suffolk district attorney has seized Islip Supervisor Pete McGowan's $1-million campaign account and served scores of subpoenas to businesses that have dealt with his campaign fund, town and county officials said yesterday.

The subpoenas appear to be focusing on possible misuse of campaign funds, and are part of a long-running investigation by District Attorney Thomas Spota into political corruption in Suffolk County.


Ha-ha! See you in Hell, motherfucker.

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