Wednesday, February 8, 2006

Mah new brother

Seems the Chimp wants to be connected to Clinton now. Hmmmm. Do we have some unresolved issues with daddy or are you that desperate politically?


But the constant references to Clinton from the current President Bush have taken on a forced, almost contrived feel. Why would Bush try so hard to remind everyone, as often as possible, about his close connections to Clinton?

I suspect it's because Clinton has something that Bush doesn't: high poll numbers. Last summer, an ABC News/Washington Post poll asked respondents, "Thinking back to when Bill Clinton was in office, would you say you approve or disapprove of the way Clinton handled his job as president?" A whopping 62% of Americans said they approved. At the time, the ABC/Post poll showed Bush's support at 47%, a number which has dropped even lower since.


If this is a strategy for Bush to get a bump in popularity, the Bush gang might want to look for a Plan B. The frequent Clinton references only serve to remind people of a time when we had a president who had the country on track - economically, militarily, fiscally, and diplomatically.


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