Monday, February 20, 2006

Rats . . . leaving

Or, he beat me to it again. Driftglass was reading my mind the other day and PSoTD does it today. I was gonna write a post about the Repubs distancing themselves from the Chimp but this is about right:

Many Kansans, including members of The Eagle editorial board, have long admired Sen. Pat Roberts for his plainspokenness and reputation for fair brokering of issues.

So it's troubling that Roberts, chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, is fast gaining the reputation in Washington, D.C., as a reliable partisan apologist for the Bush administration on intelligence and security controversies.


They're waking up out there in the heartland. Not the way I'd like, but I think they're beginning to realize the Chimp is anything but 'conservative'. Digby also notices this:


This was the cult of Bush. But, as with all modern Republican presidents who become unpopular, he will be ignominiously removed from the pantheon. They did it to Nixon, they did it to Bush Sr and they are now doing it to Churchill the second. It's always the same complaint. They failed not because of their conservatism, but because they were not conservative enough...

By the time it's all over Bush is going to be seen as a coke-sniffing, frat boy hippy by the movement conservatives. This is how they do it. And then they'll go back to doing the same things they always do --- whatever it takes to win.


The neverending cycle continues. Hopefully by '08 the Bush name will be shit with conservatives and we won't have to deal with Jebby. But they'll find another, just you wait. That's why we have to get 'em all out of Congress this year, and if we do get a majority, hound our Dem reps to actually do the right thing, stay honest, and maybe bring the nation around to a more progressive way of thinking as a whole in 20 years. Could you imagine if progressives were running the show for two decades? Think of where we'd be. It's possible. Call me naive, but this is still America and anything is possible. The day I stop believing that is the day I leave.

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