Wednesday, March 22, 2006

I'm trying to be serious...

...really I am - well, a little bit, anyway - but it's hard when there's shit like this out there a mere click away:

BATSHITCRAZY, VA - On the third year anniversary of the Iraq war, the megalomaniac founder of the Washington Times Reverend Sun Myung Moon launched his new "Preemptive Warrior" magazine to help boost the sagging morale (and ever decreasing numbers) of "Bush Doctrine" supporters.

"Either you give us the goddamn oil, or we nuke your ass! That's the real Bush Doctrine message, isn't it?

If you will please excuse me now, I have to hold a mass divorce for that thousand couples I forced to marry last year," said Reverend Moon.

Go see. Be sure to scroll all the way down.

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