Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Lies, Prevarication, and Bullshit:

El Rude-o on Bush's Cleveland bullshitapalooza:

But, as ever, it's not the fact that Bush didn't answer the questions people in the Cleveland crowd asked; it's the way that he didn't answer. Right out of the gate, someone asked, "Do you believe this, that the war in Iraq and the rise of terrorism are signs of the apocalypse? And if not, why not?" Not once in his entire endless goddamn answer did Bush address what the Clevelander wanted to know, other than "The first I've heard of that, by the way. I guess I'm more of a practical fellow." And then blathering on about his job is to protect us, September 11th, and using "diplomacy" before the military.

If the Rude Pundit were an endtimer, waitin' fer that mighty apocalypse so's Jeeeezus can come on down on a dark cloud fartin' lightnin' to rapture some motherfuckers up to the Great Beyond, readin' the tea leaves fer any glitch in the system that'd say it's all about to go down, he'd be mighty pissed off at Bush's claim that he hadn't heard about it. Ain't that why endtimers voted for him? 'Cause he supposedly was in on the whole deal? And if you deny it, ain't you denyin' you some Jeeezus? And...oh, shit, the Rude Pundit's brain just can't fuckin' take that much rank stupidity from all sides.

Heh. For once, the pundits agreed that Bush's proper answer to that question should have simply, and without hesitation, been "No".

I mean, you have to know what was goin' on in his head: "Fuck this 'unscripted' shit! Unca Karl never would have let that asshole within a country mile of this shithole, let alone ask me that. What do I say? The ignorant christer bastards finally elected me. Took 'em two tries. Mighta been some corporate types ain't buyin' into that crap, tho'. Which bunch do I wanta piss off? I'll plead ignorance. They'll buy that. It works every time!

Boy, I hope tomorrow's better. I just hope that Old Ay-rab Thomas goes to the ball game we sent her tickets to."

I hope he keeps up these unscripted Q&As and press conferences, but I got a hunch they'll yank him back before he really puts his foot in his mouth or (gasp!) actually inadvertently tells the truth about something.

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