Saturday, April 15, 2006

Coup d'etat

At this point in time, after 5 years of "Presidentin' for Dummies", one is tempted to say, as Gord and I both have, 'it would be nice if 2nd Marines would storm the White House and Capitol and run all the bums out'. Start from scratch and rebuild the nation closer to the Founders' idea of what should be, with 230 years of hindsight. Thing is, the military is just like the Germans; you can't trust 'em with too much power. The reason I'm thinking about it is thanks to this post at Smirking Chimp. A good read and interesting line of thought. Personally, I wouldn't support the idea of the generals rising up against the civilian government. It would set too dangerous a precedent.

Thanks to Jersey Cynic for pointing it out.


Case in point: Germans with too much power.

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