Saturday, April 15, 2006

"Liberal" media

Joe Klein is a dick. We've all known it for a while now and we all know he showed his ass the other day. Our esteemed colleague, guitar maven, and all around good guy RJ Eskow pulls no punches:

Here's what's wrong with the American press: It's Friday and Joe Klein still has a job. Klein has pathetically attempted to defend himself in HuffPo from the wave of outrage over his recent remark about progressive Democrats - that is, that there is a "hate America tendency of the [Democratic Party's] left wing." Somehow Klein thinks it's less offensive that he said "left wing" instead of "liberal wing" (I guess because his job title at TIME is still "liberal columnist.")

It's a vile and baseless comment. As one who might be considered a member of that "left" wing, I'm deeply offended. Anyone who wants to stand in front of this country-music-playing American and challenge his love for the United States is going to get his ass kicked - Klein included.

(And, Dear Joe: Why is it that Michael Moore's distress over US foreign policy is proof that he 'hates America' - but Grover Norquist's desire to drown its government in a bathtub isn't?) [my em]


Hear, hear. [raising coffee cup] Fuck all these so-called 'liberal' assholes in the press. They're spineless, dilettante morons at best, paid propagandists for the GOP at worst (I'm leaning toward the former rather than the latter in Klein's case). You want fair and balanced? Put guys like RJ up there instead of Klein. You'd get real liberal/progressive commentary, and good writing to boot, instead of Rethug-lite, Beltway cocktail party banter. Oh, that's right, that's what the corporate media wants.

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