Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Don't forget to wipe...

Rumsfeld is getting desperate. Good.

Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld predicted Monday that calls from retired generals for him to step down would fade away, and he dismissed the criticism as a standard part of the history of American combat since the Revolutionary War.

"This, too, will pass," Mr. Rumsfeld said during an interview with Rush Limbaugh, the conservative nationally syndicated radio host.

To which BuzzFlash replies:

Message to Mr. Master of the Universe: We are not talking about a bowel movement here. We are talking about thousands upon thousands of lives lost, thousands more wounded, billions of dollars of our money spent wastefully, and a military that thinks you don't know what the Hell you are doing -- along with the blessed ignorance of Bush and Cheney.

No, Donald, this too will NOT pass. It's called incompetence, arrogance, and abysmal, utter failure.

How's it feel bein' a big No. 2, Stinky Rummy?

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