Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Duck and cover

I lived in Connecticut for 18 months, a beautiful state with decent folks who make me proud to call them 'neighbor'. I'm even more proud of them now that Joe-mentum is on the run.


Joe Lieberman is clearly dragging Dubya around like a ball and chain. He's not his usual hawkish self answering questions about the Iran and the critique of the 6 generals, he's avoiding the entire state of Connecticut and he has refused to debate Ned Lamont. The black smoke rising from the Lieberman campaign has turned the national media toward looking at Ned with much closer scrutiny. Says Paul Bass of the New Haven Independent: [my em]


Joe, you're their senator. You have to go home sometime. Bwa-ha-ha-ha! If you kiss the Rethugs' ass a little more, maybe they'll let you run on their ticket. To paraphrase and butcher Lloyd Bentsen's words, you're no Lowell Weicker. Heh, fucking turncoat idiot.

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