Friday, May 5, 2006

One message

Aravosis at AMERICAblog:

With the congressional elections 6 months away, is it time for us to stop criticizing Democrats?


It's an interesting question. Is it time to sit back and shut up and hold our tongue?

I think at some point we can hurt ourselves by helping create a public perception that our party has no message and is spineless. Then again, it's not like they need much help creating that perception - chicken and egg.

And the larger question is whether the party will ever change if we don't publicly hold it accountable. Do we really want the same folks doing the same things (not holding Bush accountable, voting for every war resolution they can get their hands on) once they become the majority in Congress?


Self examination is the best way to remain progressive. If we don't listen to new concepts and ideas, and judge them on their merits, we will become nothing more than Republicans, and you can see where that's gotten them. The Democratic Party is the 'Big Tent' and we have to remain that way, and that is with constructive criticism from within, coming from many different points of view. If we move to a party of one message, one party line, we'll no longer be Democrats, rather Republican-lite.

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