Friday, May 5, 2006

Whiny ass baby bitch

That would be Richard Cohen. Isn't he supposed to be one of us, sorta like Joe Klein? Anyway, I saw this over at Crooks & Liars:

...Why are you wasting my time with Colbert, I hear you ask. Because he is representative of what too often passes for political courage, not to mention wit, in this country...

Yes, Dick. Can I call you Dick (hey, if the foo shits)? It is sad a comedian has to say what you people in the media are getting paid to do. You and your hideous ilk should have been saying the same things in '02, during the run up to Iraq. Courage is something you don't know the meaning of.

...But in this country, anyone can insult the president of the United States. Colbert just did it, and he will not suffer any consequence at all. He knew that going in...

What about that little film the Chimp made at last year's (or the year before's) little get-together? "Hmmm, no WMDs here". Remember? Guess who he insulted? The troops who've given their lives, limbs, and minds, and their families, to find those non-existant WMDs. Nobody died as a result of Stephen Colbert's words. Although seeing the Chimp fall over dead at the time would have been entertaining.

...In Washington he was playing to a different crowd, and he failed dismally in the funny person's most solemn obligation: to use absurdity or contrast or hyperbole to elucidate -- to make people see things a little bit differently. He had a chance to tell the president and much of important (and self-important) Washington things it would have been good for them to hear. But he was, like much of the blogosphere itself, telling like-minded people what they already know and alienating all the others...

The Washington press corpse are not like-minded people. They are whores who will say anything (or not) to preserve their access to power. Stephen Colbert showed them, and 'non-members' like Dick Cohen, just how badly they've been compromised. He wasn't trying to be funny, you idiot. He was showing you how to do your job. Something all of you (most of you) seem to have forgotten. You're just as bad as crooked politicians or cops on the take. Go fuck yourself, Mr. Cohen. (I use the term 'mister' very loosely.)

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