Thursday, June 29, 2006

Dear New York Times,

An outstandingly on-the-mark rant from Athenae:


No, that's not me being hysterical. That's not me being unhinged. That's me taking a look at the day's news and saying well, if this isn't the logical conclusion to six years of Ann Coulter, Michael Savage, Glenn Beck, I don't know what is. If this isn't the ultimate expression of the attitude of Assrocket talking about the "Pulitzer Prize for felony murder" and his shit-shack being named Time's Blog of the Year, I don't know what is.

This is what happens when you ignore the warning signs. This is what happens when you hold yourself above the fight and pretend it's all too much for your tiny brains to handle. This is what happens when you don't dignify things with answers. This is what happens. You get called killers on the floor of the House.


Careful 'Gray Lady' your people might end up in Gitmo before we do.

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