Thursday, June 29, 2006

It is with great regret ...

There's a radio station (WBAB) here on Long Island I've been listening to for 35 years. It's a rock and roll station and it provided the background music for my youth. I listen to them every morning on the way to work, decent (if corporate-programmed) music and timely traffic reports (on Long Island, these are a must).

So, it is with great regret I say I will not be listening anymore. WBAB has two morning idiots who've taken the station to depths I would never have expected from people attempting to do business in such a diverse area.

The two idiots I refer to are Roger & J.P., two cracker morons who think it's fun to disparage immigrants, mainly of the Latino pursuasion. These guys did a bit called 'Wetback Steakhouse' a take off of the Outback Steakhouse commercials.

Then, yesterday morning, I hear them basically repeat the Republican talking points on the flag burning amendment, shot down in Congress earlier in the week. J.P. actually had the balls to say that veterans in our wars fought and died for the flag itself.

Listen to me, you little shit. I put my ass on the line and it sure wasn't for a piece of fucking cloth. It was for the principles and foundation the flag represents. I've seen shit that would make J.P., let alone Roger, shit themselves and end up sucking their thumbs in the fetus position. I did my bit in the military to ensure the right of freedom of speech remains as the Founders intended, and burning the flag in protest is part of that.

It's just like the American Nazis or the Ku Klux Klan, whom I personally think should all be put up against the wall. If flag burning is banned, should their hate speech be banned too? Should Roger & J.P.'s anti-immigrant drivel be banned? Should whatever Ann Coulter says? I served this nation to protect all their rights, even the assholes who want to deny them to others.

Maybe Roger & J.P. are just under-informed, though Roger sounds as if he listens to Fox 'News' every free minute he gets, and not paid shills for the Republican Party (isn't Peter King the rep from the radio station's district?). Maybe they're just a couple stupid chicken shits? Who knows? But I can tell you this. WBAB, after over 35 years, will not be able to call me one of their listeners until these two jerkwads are on the unemployment line.

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