Monday, June 26, 2006

Feingold on Press the Meat

Here's part of the transcript. Video at Crooks and Liars.

MR. RUSSERT: You went further in GQ magazine that's coming out this week, "Problem is, George Bush has committed a more clearly impeachable offense than Clinton or even Nixon ever did." George Bush committed a more impeachable offense than Richard Nixon?

SEN. FEINGOLD: Oh, I think so. I mean, you could debate that if you want. But I think the claim - and although Nixon made some, some similar claims, the extreme claim that under Article 2 of the Constitution the president can make up whatever laws he wants is one of the greatest threats to our system of government. I even heard George Will describe it as monarchical at one point. So I do think it is the greatest threat to our republic.

You know, when the founders wrote the words "high crimes and misdemeanors," they weren't particularly interested in, in break-ins at the Watergate Plaza or, or, or presidential personal misconduct. What they wanted was a different system of government than they had, had under King George III. And that's what this is all about. The president is asserting claims that have, frankly, I don't think ever been made in the history of this country.

Timmeh tried like the dickens to undermine Senator Feingold. Feingold stayed calm, cool, and collected and didn't rise to the bait.

Senator Feingold is a good man, and while I don't think he has a chance at the presidential nomination, we need him, and more like him, to carry the fight for the very soul of our nation out from under the Republican rock into the light where reg'lar folks can see the truth and help make the Repubs shrivel up and die.

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