Monday, June 26, 2006

Oh, the irony...

Ironic Times

Should an enemy launch a dummy warhead whose tracking data has already been programmed into our computers, we might be able to shoot it down, depending on the weather.

Bush Compares Iraq War to Hungary Uprising in 1956
Compares coalition forces to, er, Soviet troops.

Reader's Digest Reports New York Most Polite, Courteous City in World
New Yorkers add if you don't agree with report, you know where you can stick it.

Gonzales: Terror Plot Foiled in "Earliest Stages"
Just before conception.

Bush Creates World's Largest Marine Sanctuary in Pacific
Apparently, check from bottom trawling fleets arrived too late.

Many more. I highly recommend going to see the picture of what Brazil came out on top of at the World Cup. Wow.

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