Saturday, June 17, 2006

I don't always agree with him...

But I usually take time on Saturday mornings to read TBT, mostly because Sizemore's posts are so long and I don't have the time during the week. I feel privileged to have him as a regular commenter here and he generally comes at things from an angle I'd never thought of. He also helps keep me on the straight and narrow. As I'm scrolling down his page this morning, I see he takes a swing at some of the big bloggers on our side who seem to be more about the power and money and not about the values that drew us here to begin with.


Why does the richest Republicans and Democrats get to retain their tax cuts while Katrina victims remain homeless? Why does John Aravosis become entitled to shop for orchids while elderly people like my mother (or someone else's mother, father, or grandparent) isn't entitled to shop around for cheap medicine? Why do A-List liberal bloggers continue to use their power to repeat the same loop-de-loop over and over (e.g. Embarrass The Media, Own Republicans, Smack Democrats, Shill Shirts/Books, Cash The Check At End Of Month, Repeat From Top) when the entire edifice of the Republicans' corruption and the Democrats' complacency would crumble within a week -- a month, tops -- if the A-List liberal bloggers decided to instead post, "I can't do this in good conscience anymore so I'm going to surprise everyone by saying NO to power, shutting the blog down for a while, and take my activism to the MSM and the politicians' own front fuckin' porch and I hope you do the same"?!?


He so appeals to that little Socialist in me.

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