Saturday, June 17, 2006


Tony Hendra has the most plausible theory behind the coming (we all know it's coming whether we want to admit it or not) 'October surprise', be it '06 or '08:


The 11th is a crisp fall morning with the sun glinting off the East River from a spotless hard-blue sky and a brisk nor'wester whistling through the concrete canyons, raising everyone's spirits and somehow conveying a sense of promise.

Rather like another crisp fall morning a few years back.

The UN Headquarters, one of New York's best-known national icons, is packed. Ditto the General Assembly, in session to debate a set of ultra-draconian sanctions on Iran, the only way it has left to hold back the dogs of war aka John Bolton.

Bolton and the American delegation however are in DC in 'urgent consultation' with the White House.

At 9.01.24 am, the UN Building, which has received no anti-terror funding whatsoever from city, state or DHS, explodes from four massive bombs set at its base corners - in much the same way conspiracy buffs maintain that the Twin Towers were actually brought low. Severed from its foundations the glass and concrete structure abruptly collapses. Before the 39th floor has hit the ground, the General Assembly next door, explodes also.


Think about it...

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