Sunday, June 25, 2006

Pet Expo '06

Click to embiggen. Mrs. G hopes you won't!

Picture shows Mrs. G making Bridget, the older of our two dirt dogs, presentable enough to meet other dogs. I think she does this by trading the dirt back and forth between them until it evaporates. I'll find out. I'm next.

Yesterday was the 4th annual Pet Expo put on by the Humane Society of Truckee-Tahoe. They are dedicated to rescuing and adopting dogs and cats. Cats? Oh, well, they're God's little critters too, I guess...the "cat people" had a trailer and some adoptable cats there as well. The theme was "Get Happy!" Happy is an adoptable Aussie Shepherd mix that has lived his whole life so far in HSTT's kennel. Breaking news on Happy!

They had way too many adoptable dogs there. I hope some of 'em found a home. Remember: "Until there are none, adopt one."

We went for the fourth straight year. The event was held at Truckee River Regional Park, which is three blocks from our house. Every Wednesday(free) and occasional other nights(pay through the nose), we can hear the concerts loud and clear from our deck, but I digress...

It's not a huge event, but for a small town like this it was just fine. We checked out all the vendors, actually joined HSTT which we've supported in various ways for years, loaded up on doggie swag, and generally enjoyed watching our pups interact with dozens of other dogs and quite a few kids. We saw some old friends and met some new ones. Sandra of Ace K-9 Academy, our little Tami's personal trainer, had a booth, as well as Laurie from Gateway Pets, our preferred pet emporium.

We took the pups down to the Truckee River, which borders the park, so they could get wet and cool off. It was hot for around here, about 82F. They liked it.

While all this was going on, I had an actual moment of brilliant thought: we humans, as a race, would be a lot humbler and much wiser if we had to undergo the doggie greeting ritual. Seems like it'd be hard to be uppity after you've had your nose up someone's ass literally and not just figuratively. We'd be more careful who we hung around with, that's fer sure!

All in all, a fine Saturday morning.

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