Sunday, June 25, 2006

Swiftboating Murtha 2

Bob Geiger:

You're going to be hearing a lot in the coming days and weeks about the ramped-up attacks on Congressman John Murtha (D-PA) for his vocal opposition to the Bush administration's actions with the Iraq war.


Now meet Amanda Doss. She's one of those people and is about to put up a web site called which, based on her known alliances with the kings of the bottom feeders, the Swift Boat Liars, will attempt to smear a fine man like John Murtha -- and other Veterans, like me, as well -- with new and improved levels of low-rent attacks.


Indeed. It's time to Swiftboat 'em right back.


More Murtha. Article* about his speech at Florida International University's Biscayne Bay Campus.

*Link via memeorandum.

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