Monday, June 26, 2006


What in Hell is wrong with leading Democrats? I'm especially surprised at Dick Durbin, whom I like. I caught him on Little George yesterday before the World Cup games started. C&L has the skinny:


Durbin: I'm going to support Joe Lieberman and I hope he wins the Democratic primary and I'm going to support him in every way that I can even though we disagree on the war. We have a much different point of view, but I know Joe Lieberman and I've worked with him for a number of years and I think he's a good member of our caucus and should be re-elected.

Stephanopoulos: So if he loses the primary and runs as an Independent you'll still support him?

Durbin: I'm going to support Joe Lieberman in the Democratic primary and I'm confident, I hope that the voters...

Stephanopoulos: ...but that's not what I asked...

Durbin: I know it isn't...I'm not going to accept your premise because I think he's going to end up with the Democratic nomination.


I tell ya what. You Dems who aren't up for reelection in Fall can afford to run off at the mouth but remember this, I, and probably most of Left Blogtopia (y!sctp!), will not forget. If Holy Joe loses the primary to Ned Lamont, you guys better be prepared to back Ned or we'll find a Ned Lamont in your state or district to support. Don't think this is an aberration. We've had it with Republican-lite. Warn your buddy Schumer too. The crap he's been spouting lately ain't gonna fly for long.

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