Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Shut up, shut up, shut up ...

I hear this a lot: "Were supporting the world. We give all our money to the U.N. and other coutnries". No, we don't, idiots:


Denmark gives the most amount of its GDP (1.01%) to developing countries; Norway gives 0.91%; the Netherlands give 0.79% and so on until the end of list, where the USA sits. Yes, America ranks DEAD LAST in foreign aid at a pathetic 0.1% of its GDP, compared to the other 21 nations listed as developed nations. The idea that the US government is a heroic bunch that runs around the world helping the poor and the disempowered is not backed up by the evidence. We have one of the stingiest governments on earth. [my em]


More 'conventional widom' myths busted here.

Tip o' the Brain to the Roo.

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