Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Wait ...

Until oil reaches $100/bbl which, thanks to the neocon fuckup of the Middle East, might not be too far down the road. If you think we got power problems now:


Con Ed reports that some 9,000 customers in Westchester are without power as a result of the high temperatures.

Thousands of people in Yonkers will have to endure the heat without air conditioning. That's because of a power outage. At one point in the day, around 11,600 customers in Yonkers were without power.


Better get used to the heat, folks. Next summer you might not be able to afford your electric bill if you use air contitioning. You know, everybody's so afraid of terrorist attacks in this country. I'm more afraid of what my fellow Americans will turn into when they can't afford to cool and heat their homes or buy gas for their cars. If you think the anarchy in Baghdad is bad, wait until our pampered asses are put in a vise.

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