Wednesday, August 2, 2006

A 26 Count Indictment? Whee!

TPM Muckraker

The Bush administration may have broken over two dozen federal laws and regulations -- some of them multiple times -- according to an unreleased report from the House Judiciary Committee Democrats.

The document, an update to the Democrats' December 2005 report, "A Constitution in Crisis," will be released later this week, according to knowledgeable sources. It is several hundred pages long, with over a thousand footnotes.

In earlier days such a report would be easily ignored. But with the looming possibility of Democrats taking control of the House of Representatives in November, Conyers' charges pose a potentially serious threat to the Bush administration. After all, it takes only a simple majority vote in the House to impeach a sitting president.

On their face, the laundry list of alleged wrongs form a natural basis for impeachment proceedings -- but Conyers has insisted he has no intention of rushing to impeach. No, a slow walk to possible impeachment (preferably down a path that includes months of hearings) is more what the would-be chairman envisions, he has said.

My call to the White House was not immediately returned.

My instinctive reaction is, "Get a rope!". It's too bad we can only hang the sonofabitch once. Upon reflection, it'll be more fun to roast him slowly on a spit rather than toss him into the fire, but we need to get him out of his stolen office yesterday.

I hope this gets legs and goes somewhere - forward, not into the bin.

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