Wednesday, August 2, 2006

Bush and the "Lord of the Flies"

A BuzzFlash editorial

Okay, we are back to our primary theory about the Bushevik Neo-Con one-party government: if you pile failure on failure, they believe it will add up to success.

It's kind of (as we implied yesterday) like sweeping up the dung of an elephant (how appropriate) and hoping that if you get the pile high enough, it will turn into mouth-watering fudge.

Yum! Please, Sir, may I have another?

Of course, behind every man who believes that he has God like powers, there is a Beelzebub (Satan's assistant) pulling the strings. Dick Cheney, you can come out of the bunker now.

"According to the renowned 16th century occultist Johannes Wierus, Beelzebub is the chief lieutenant of Lucifer, the Emperor of Hell, and presides over the Order of the Fly." (Wikipedia)

And, of course, flies feed off of dung.

From 'Comments':

There once was a Bush King of Dung,
who spewed forth much crap from his tongue;
When he opened his mouth,
shit would spew and fall south,
whence his praises by fools would be sung.

I worked with an old gentleman once who wouldn't say 'shit' if he'd had a mouth full of it. One day he got frustrated with something and couldn't quite express it. The boss gave him some advice that I will pass on: "Say 'shit', Clarence. It helps."

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