Wednesday, September 6, 2006

God ... heh

This is why I am so anti-religion; all religion. Since the beginning of recorded history, more people have been killed, more lives destroyed, and more atrocities committed in the name of God than for any other reason. It is also obvious the people who are supposedly charged with spreading God's message are the ones usually responsible for committing the sins they so loudly rail against.


A woman in the group soon told a sheriff's deputy horrific stories of how the compound's leaders had molested girls as part of religious ceremonies during which they were told their bodies were being prepared for "service to God."


Fuck the lot of 'em. You don't have to believe in God to be a good person and wrapping yourself in the cloak of religiosity doesn't make you one. As they say in my neighborhood, 'bullshit walks'. Prove you're a good person by your deeds. Words mean nothing. Throw whatever holy book you read from away and do what's right. You shouldn't need a book or a preacher to explain it to you.

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