Wednesday, September 6, 2006

Our 'friends'

The Paks, who have received billions in U.S. anti-terror aid, who have done more to increase illegal nuclear proliferation than any 'rogue state', and who are the ones who built Iran's new hard water nuclear reactor, don't feel the need to police the worlds largest terror breeding gorund:


Q. ABC News: So, he wouldn't be taken into custody? He would stay there?

A. Gen. Sultan: No, as long as one is staying like a peaceful citizen, one would not be taken into custody. One has to stay like a peaceful citizen and not allowed to participate in any kind of terrorist activity.


Former White House counter-terrorism czar Richard Clarke, an ABC News consultant, said "What this means is that the Taliban and al Queida leadership have effectively carved out a sanctuary inside Pakistan."


The Paks are also pulling out of Waziristan so the Taliban and al-Qaeda will have a place to plot, plan, and connive in relative sanctuary. So tell me again how we're going to bring the people who killed 3000 of my friends and neighbors (and nearly my wife) to justice?

And who says the terrorists didn't win? The leadership of this nation are nothing but greedy war criminals and the Paks are their accomplices.

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