Wednesday, September 13, 2006


It looks like Iraq's Prime Minister al-Maliki is doing what it takes to stabilize his country.

Looks like the crazy fucker from next door is infinitely preferable to a crazy bully from another 'hood who's bent on wreckin' the joint to get what he wants.

When Iran steps into Iraq for real, the insurgency/civil war/whatever will be over in a week. It won't be pretty, but it'll be over.

Our guys better not be there when that happens, and happen it will. There aren't enough of them, and their supply lines are waaaay too long. They're probably there right now mainly to prevent Iran's intervention.

It's not going to work for much longer.

Bring 'em home. The last thing we need is a war with Iran. Bush thinks he's going to start it with bombing, but if Iran starts it with artillery, armor, and infantry, we're toast. It's not our fight, and the way Bush and Rumsfeld have fucked up our military, we'll likely get tossed out of Iraq on our ass.

Just imagine 100,000 American casualties and nuclear retaliation and you get the idea. A real regional/world war, a wrong and unnecessary one we'll likely lose, and all for nothing more than evil neocon ideology.

Don't think for a minute that the rest of the world would mind seeing us get our ass kicked. Thanks, George.

Troops out of Iraq NOW. Iraq will settle its own problems the way that best (or not) benefits them. Whatever. Let's leave 'em to it.

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