Wednesday, September 13, 2006

The Yellow Rogue of Texas

Swiped from Deuddersun

There's a Yellow Rogue from Texas who moved up to DC
His pockets full of oil stock, he's screwing you and me.
His daddy always paid the bills no matter where he went
And his brother rigged the voting so now he's president.

He's the slickest little hustler that Texas ever saw!
He proved that with connections you don't worry 'bout the law.
You may talk about Dick Nixon or sing of Bill's cigar
But the Yellow Rogue from Texas beats both of them by far.

Repeat Vs. 1

The Yellow Rogue is quick and slick, he sure can talk the talk,
It's just that when the bullets fly, he's one more chicken hawk.
Back when the Southeast Asian war sent thousands off to die,
The chicken hawks stayed safe at home, while others paid the price.

Repeat Vs. 1

He looks great in his pilot suit, a hero on TV,
He just can't stand the smell of death, he has an allergy.
The Yellow Rogue's no pacifist; he speaks what he thinks right
But if it puts his ass at risk, he disappears from sight.

Repeat Vs. 1

The chicken hawks are sitting high, they're making money still!
They buy and sell while others die and think they always will.
It's up to us to face them down, to stand and speak what's true
Then run the bastards out of town, the whole damn thieving crew.

(Thanks to Ron Gillis)

Now try gettin' that l'il ditty out'cher haid!

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