Sunday, September 10, 2006

Selective stupid

The eloquent Driftglass:



Bush isn't the problem. Cheney isn't the problem. Rummy isn't the problem.

The 43% of our fellow citizens who are this stupid? This fucking stupid? This fucking, Quikrete headed, Limbaugh-gobbling, Christalopithecan stupid?

They're the problem.

And mind you, piglump stupid as they are, they are also very selectively stupid.

These are, after all, many of the same human stinkweeds on the lawn of Liberty that followed every nuance, haircut and semicolon of William Jefferson Clinton for eight years with the fastidious obsession of an astronomer mapping a newly discovered solar system.


The reason they follow the Chimp blindly down the road to Hell is because they can't admit to themselves they were stupid enough to vote for the asshole ... twice.

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