Saturday, September 9, 2006

Sorry, Mickey ...

But the long weekend Mrs. F and I were gonna spend at Disney World next spring is getting switched to Paris, or a B&B somewhere on the Hudson, or Las Vegas, or maybe even Sedona, but it'll be a long time (like when Lucifer starts shopping at the Burlington Coat Factory) before I patronize one of your properties again.

Yes, Disney/ABC will go ahead and run their right wing propaganda tomorrow night and Monday, no matter that the FBI backed away from it a year ago, and no matter that its director admits it is his version of events, a version that is targeted at Clinton. Folks, Disney has too much invested politically and corporately to back away from this now. The only response is to hold Disney, your local ABC affiliate, and those who support right wing propaganda on public airwaves accountable for fascism, because that is exactly what this is.


I presume others are of the same mind.

Update (Sunday):

Tristero @ Digby's:

I assume someone will collect and publish the list of commercials for show 2 - show 1 being broadcast without ads. I for one will take that list very seriously. Any sponsor whose products I can avoid, I will, and those that [I] can't will hear from me. [my em]

And from Blondie:

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