Friday, October 13, 2006

From the Funny to the Disgusting..

Yeah,ok,sure,"The Left"doesn't have a sense of humor. HA. Just go see this,it's too freaking hilarious.

Next,Steve Gillard brings us a tale from a so called "Christian Values Family".

There's a whole lotta ugly in those repressed "conservative"closets isn't there?

Any guy who needs his porn so fucking bad he's gotta do it while his 3 little kids are up and running around needs bitch slapping back into reality. Thankfully,his wifey got the clue(she's got a music career,she doesn't need his support financially. I imagine he's not alot of help with anything that matters anyway)and booted his ass out the door. None of this would be anyone else's bidness,but if you put yourself out there as some paragon of virtue,you'd better BE virtuous,or all bets are off when your kinks become known.

You know,I think it might be a good idea to gather these people together in one large venue for awhile and just let 'em go apeshit on each other. Fuck and suck and fuck some more and get over it already. No one under 21,no weapons,with proper security to keep that shit inside where the rest of us don't have to see it. Fuck til you can fuck no more and leave the rest of us alone.One big giant Kink Fest '06,and it might take some of the mean out of a few of these wretches. Hire some professional dominatrix types to run the show and keep people fairly safe. And free condoms and Plan B for everyone! Yay!

I wonder if anyone has ever compared the sexual exploits of the Victorian Era to this current crop of "conservatives"? They seem strangely related in alot of ways.

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