Friday, October 13, 2006

Last Man Standing

This is for all us Olde Fartes (Lctp!). Rolling Stone profiles Jerry L ee Lewis.

From a review of his new album:

Jerry Lee Lewis is older and tougher than you. At seventy, he could eat your liver for breakfast, sleep with your kid sister and then burn down your house after a light lunch. So rounding up twenty-one heavy hitters (Mick Jagger, Eric Clapton, Neil Young, etc.) for a Jerry Lee Lewis duets album either means that they're paying their respects to one of the inventors of rock & roll, the wild man of the piano who came up with the sonic explosion that is "Great Balls of Fire"- or that they're just afraid of what Jerry Lee would do to them if they said no.

[...] The best-sounding tracks are probably his duets with the country stars George Jones and Willie Nelson. Both of them are older than Lewis, so everybody just relaxes and enjoys being alive.

And some video to get them ol' toes a-tappin'. Then it'll be nap time.

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