Friday, October 13, 2006

JEB corrects 'closet' rumor, may only blow oboe...

In a follow-up to my post about Jeb Bush hiding in a closet in Pennsylvania to avoid disgruntled citizens, I give Guv Bush this opportunity to correct me:

Florida Gov. Jeb Bush has disputed media accounts that said he hid in a closet to avoid anti-Republican protesters during a visit to Pittsburgh last week.

Bush said it was actually a boiler room.

The "closet" part was kinda fun, but the point is that he "cut and ran" in the face of dissent.

In a related vein, David Rossie has a few comments:

We are told by people who pay attention to such things that the Bush family had high hopes for son Jeb, because he was considered the brightest of all the boys. Never mind that being the brightest Bush boy is a little like being the most talented oboe player in Logan, Ohio.

Imagine what Limbaugh and the fabulists at the Fox News Network could have made of that if it had been Ed Rendell, Pennsylvania's Democratic governor, blowing kisses to the steelworkers before ducking for cover, instead of Jeb the Lesser:

"Pennsylvania Governor comes out of closet in Pittsburgh. State's Democrats in disarray. Santorum deplores moral depravity in high places, calls for governor's impeachment."

Hey, with Fox's penchant for identifying rogue Republicans as Democrats, it could still happen.

Hey, why not? They confuse themselves with newsmen all the time.

In Jeb's defense, being only the governor of a failed Southern state, he doesn't have anywhere near the insulation from reality or the number of security personnel that his brother does.

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